Health, quality, environment, safety

Not the quantity of connections, but the quality of influences matters.

Health and safety

At BENES a LAT a.s. we are firmly committed to creating a healthy and safe working environment for our employees and to continuously supporting their health and performance. For this reason, we regularly conduct ISO 45001 audits to ensure that our security and safety measures are in line with the latest standards. At the same time, we actively monitor and implement new trends in occupational health and safety to constantly increase the level of protection for our employees. The employees can use a cafeteria system to purchase season tickets for sports and wellness or vitamin packages.

We appreciate any feedback to improve our safety and security environment. We want to create an open space for communication and encourage all employees to share their insights, suggestions for improvement or report any OHS deficiencies. Please send all observations to so that together we can effectively contribute to a safe and healthy work environment for everyone. Your active involvement is crucial for us in the continuous improvement of our security standards.

We spend a significant part of our lives at work, so trust, belonging, flexibility, appreciation, and meaningfulness are values we promote at our company because we believe these aspects contribute to a positive work atmosphere and the overall mental health of our employees.

We believe in promoting a healthy work-life balance, which is a key element in preventing stress. At our company, we strive to create an environment that allows employees to achieve this balance, paying attention to the individual needs of each team member.

We regularly meet at events outside our workplace to strengthen team spirit and get to know each other better. We take part in joint football and volleyball tournaments, race dragon boats and play airsoft. At the same time, we enjoy quieter moments at fishing competitions or at the traditional representative ball. At the end of the year, we like to take a hike to celebrate our achievements together and thank the employees for their contribution to our common goal. These events not only give us the opportunity to relax, but also strengthen our working relationships and contribute to a positive atmosphere in the company.


We at BENŠ a LÁT highly valuate wellbeing and overall satisfaction of our employes. Therefore, we started new programs of mental and emotional health prevention since 2024. We feel that empowering employes to join our gatherings as well as joining soft-skills workshops and lectures increases their self-confidence.

Based on monitoring of our employes needs and on new trends in wellbeing, new programs are being set and released. Some of new programs are for example training of assertive communication, Stress prevention etc.


We believe that gender equality is essential to fostering a fair and inclusive workplace. Together, men and women make up a broad and diverse part of the world’s population. We are committed to achieving gender equality across our organization by working to remove barriers, provide equal opportunities and create structures that enable everyone to thrive.

In our company, specializing in foundry, where the work is more physically demanding, we are proud that the proportion of women in our workforce has risen to 35 %. Despite the more demanding nature of the work, we value the diversity and contribution of all our employees, regardless of gender. We are committed to continuing to promote equality and create a work environment where everyone can develop and thrive.

In management, the share of women is significantly higher at 75 %, compared to 25 % for men. This significant diversity in the composition of our management brings us a wide range of perspectives.


Quality (originating from Latin “Qualis”) defines properties of a product, activity, or process – it is an answer to question “how good?” – similarly to how quantity answers the question “how much?” (Latin “Quantum?”).

Qualities are usually directly accessible to sensory cognition, whereas quantities must be ascertained by measurement or counting. As a result, however, qualities often depend on the judgment and ability of the observer.

This is why our company is evaluated annually by certification companies, and why we consistently stay on the cutting edge not only in what we do, but also in how we do it.


– Ecology

Nature is important to us. All BENES and LAT technologies therefore meet the most demanding environmental criteria.
Our environmental approach is a key tool for the systematic optimization of environmental care within our organization. We are firmly committed to continuing our efforts to achieve higher levels of sustainability through innovation and efficient practices. At the same time, we actively cooperate with our suppliers and other partners to jointly contribute to the protection of our environment and achieve sustainable results in the long-term.

  • Wastewater and sewage are pre-treated to prescribed limits before discharging.
  • 75% of waste is materially or energetically reused.
  • Air emissions are in the scope of 1/100s of permissible limits.
  • The new factory hall in Poricany uses waste heat generated during production to heat the building and domestic water.

The environmental policy of BENES and LAT can be viewed HERE .

– Integrated prevention

The plant in Poricany is part of the Integrated Prevention System and the permit was granted in 2011.

If you want to learn more about our approach to the environment, you can learn more on a separate page.


Sustainable supply chain

Respect for the environment continually motivates us. We believe that companies should lead the way and actively contribute to economic decarbonization, not just follow global trends. We encourage our suppliers to join us in this mission and actively work on their carbon footprint reduction. Of course, they will be rewarded not only by supporting a sustainable future, but also by our long-term partnership based on shared values. Together we can achieve changes that will benefit not only us, but the entire world.

– Carbon Footprint

To learn more about our efforts and results in reducing the carbon footprint, check out our latest reports. We believe that transparency is the key to partnership and joint success.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share our sustainability values and efforts with you. Together we strive for positive changes that will benefit us all as well as future generations.

The CO2 impact reports for our plants for the years 2020 to 2022 are available at the following links.


All BENEŠ a LÁT plants keep up with the most curent quality standards:

IATF 16949:2016

  • Plant Z02 – EN
  • Plant Z03 – EN
  • Plant Z08 – EN
  • Plant Z10 – EN

ISO 9001:2015

  • Plant Z03 – CZ, EN

MARINE certification

  • ABS – Foundry –  EN
  • DNV – Castings –  EN
  • LR – Alloys –  EN

CO2 footprint

ISO 14001:2015

  • Corporate – CZ, EN


  • Deklaration RoHS – CZ, EN
  • Deklaration REACH – CZ, EN

ISO 45001:2018

  • Plant Z02 – CZ, EN


  • Czech TOP 100 – Admired company 2020 – CZ
  • Czech TOP 100 – Gentleman company 2023 – CZ
  • EKO-KOM – Responsible co. – CZ, EN
  • ECOBAT – Environment contribution 2021 – CZ
  • IBM Firma roku – 2. place Company of the year in the Central Bohemia 2022 – CZ
  • Innogy – Renewable energy 2020-2023 – CZ, EN
  • OTE – Guarantee of origin 2020 (24 %) – CZ, EN
  • OTE – Guarantee of origin 2021 (28 %) – CZ, EN
  • OTE – Guarantee of origin 2022 (73 %) – CZ, EN
  • OTE – Guarantee of origin 2023 (100 %) – CZ, EN
  • CZ Board of Quality – national prize of Quality 2021 – CZ
  • Remobil – Social resposible company  2020 – CZ
  • SP ČR – Industry and region development 2020 – CZ
  • TAČR – Partnership 2022 – CZ

Certification provided by DNV Business Assurance B.V., unless stated otherwise.